Unión Renovables is the union of cooperatives of consumers and users of renewable energies that groups together 24 cooperatives at municipal / regional level that are dedicated to commercializing electricity to their more than 120,000 members, whom it trains and informs about responsible consumption, bill adjustments to save and the electricity sector.

We advocate responsible consumption, the local economy and distributed renewable generation. The environmental cost of producing and consuming locally is much lower, while local management increases social benefits (jobs stay in our environment, taxes are paid locally, more money remains in the region).


  • To be able to contract 100% renewable electricity in any of the cooperatives.
  • To be able to participate in the decisions of the cooperative in the general assemblies under the principle of “1 person, 1 vote”.
  • Promote renewable generation by causing an increase in demand.
  • Create local economy (nearby jobs).
  • Promote training activities and empowerment of citizens in energy matters.
  • Being part of the European citizenship that promotes a new energy model. Visit www.rescoop.eu