Unión Renovables is participating in the Consultation on the Design of the Electricity Market

La Comisión Europea lanza una consulta pública sobre la reforma del diseño del mercado eléctrico • SMARTGRIDSINFO

Unión Renovables is working with the European renewable energy federation: Rescoop, in a joint response by the European energy cooperative to the European Commission’s Electricity Market Design consultation.

The European Commission has finally launched its consultation on the Design of the Electricity Market.

The European Council sent a document to the member states so that they begin to debate and in what terms to carry out the reform of the design of the electricity market.

According to this document, the main objectives of the EU are:

-Protect consumers and industry from excessive price volatility to ensure affordable and competitive energy for EU consumers. That is, prices of inframarginal technologies based on their true production costs

– Improve transparency, surveillance and market integrity

-Increase the security of the EU energy supply and emergency preparedness.

-Improve investment incentives to accelerate the transition to clean energy to meet decarbonization targets.

-Protect the consumer and provide him with greater empowerment.

In summary, the consultation, which should serve as the basis for a legislative proposal scheduled for March, aims to answer two main questions: how to protect consumers from external price shocks and how to ensure that investors receive the signals in the long term to continue investing in renewable energy and demand management.

Unión Renovables is actively participating in contributing the point of view of energy cooperatives in our country for this consultation, including all the contributions of the member cooperatives of Unión Renovables.

In this way, we want to contribute to improving the design of the electricity market with the vision and values of energy cooperatives.