LOCATION: Alginet (Valencia)

ABOUT THE COOPERATIVE: Suministros Especiales Alginetenses, Coop. V. is an electrical energy marketer established in the town of Alginet.

We distribute 45 million kilowatts per year through our 40 transformation centers, with an installed power of 20,000 kW. In March 2008, we began work on a 132/20 kV transformer substation. called ST Alginet, for a power of 40 Mvas.

The Cooperativa Eléctrica de Alginet has developed agreements with the ITE, the Institute of Electrical Technology, to georeference low and medium voltage installations and has also implemented a remote meter reading system.

Review the social policy developed by the cooperative in the town of Alginet, participating, through a training fund and cooperative promotion with all the recreational, social and sports entities of the town, paying for part of its activity. As a result of the cooperative’s interest in seeking renewable energy sources, in 2006 a photovoltaic solar plant was inaugurated on the land that the cooperative owns in the San Patricio CT. Currently, other solar plants inject energy into our network, with a total of 1200 kW.